Monday, February 20, 2017

Final Product

Built Shelves:

Final Product:

And there is the project! :D

Reloading the shelves

The last part of this project was cleanup. With the help of some neighbors and friends, we managed to get all the totes and props back into the shelves in 45 min.
Drama Room with all the props.

The finished product of the prop room.

I put my name and date on the bottom of a shelf.

Me with the finished prop room.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Finished Shelves

This is after we built and painted the shelves.


My neighbor Dan Mickelson led the assembly of the shelves.

A time lapse video of the building process.

Emptying the room

Before we could do any building, we had to clear the room out completely.


To get all the wood and paint for the project, we had to go shopping. We decided to go to Lowes, and they helped us out a lot. They gave us a 20% discount on everything, and 1/2 off for the paint.
A worker there named Kailey (Sorry if I spelled that wrong), helped us figure out how much paint we needed and helped us with buying and loading up our truck with the wood. Thank you Lowes!

My Dad, and Kailey with the wood. (I am taking the picture.)

Our shopping list and everything with their prices. The prices on the right were the discounted ones.


Like any good project, we had to plan out everything.
Luckily, we have a neighbor that knows just about everything about construction, and he helped a LOT. 
Here were the wall drawings that we made.

Lots of planning definitely helped.


My Eagle Scout project is to create shelves in the prop room, for the Drama department, at Willowcreek Middle School. 

This is Before any progress was made in the room:

The prop room from the door.

The Prop room's totes stacked on the wall.

Pretty dirty and cluttered. When the shelves are in, it will be easier to access the props, and totes, without having to search for it.